Course Syllabus






*Star Student Schedule and Duties*Capture-5.JPG

Monday:           Bring about a dozen photos of you and your family to share. 

Tuesday:          Make a poster to introduce one or more of our weekly words.

Wednesday:     Bring your favorite picture book to read aloud to the class. It should take about 10 minutes to read.

 Thursday:         Perform and lead a simple science experiment with the class. Let your      imagination and research skills run wild with this one!

 Friday:              Present an electronic biography (power point, video, any technology you choose) detailing your life history to the class.

Other Perks:     Sit with Teacher, Lead Line, Pick Brain Break













                                        Word Study

                          Trick words-

                                       Phonics Skill- suffixes-

                                       Grammar Skill- 

                                       Sound Alikes-


How the World Works






Course Summary:

Date Details Due