Course Syllabus

Mrs. Gordon's

First Grade Class


Montrose Elementary School



 Entering first grade is a very special and important time. Each child and parent is often filled with great enthusiasm and perhaps, some anxiety as they anticipate the growth that will take place in the months ahead. There will be the incredible progression in fluency in reading and writing as well as an increased and broadened understanding of numbers and their relationships and functions. There will also be astounding emotional and social growth as each child is guided and strives to understand so many new things.

The responsibility of the parent and teacher in this process is both rewarding and daunting and requires the deepest of commitments, tremendous nurturing, support, encouragement, teaching, limit setting, consistency and good solid communications between home and school.

I look forward to working with you in this most sublime of endeavors!

Diana Gordon


 Writing Workshop

 During writing workshop the children are actively engaged in writing based upon units of study. Mini-lessons, conferencing and small group instruction assist the children in developing their skills and growing as writers. The children build stamina as they increase the length of time they write each day and throughout the year.


Reading Workshop

During reading workshop children are actively engaged in reading "just right" books as individuals and with partners based upon units of study. They also receive reading instruction through mini-lessons, strategy lessons and guided reading. The children build stamina as they increase the length of time they read each day and throughout the year.



In math the children explore and develop an understanding the concepts outlined in the common core standards. They do so through the use of manipulatives, direct  instruction and a variety of games and problem solving activities.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due