Course Syllabus

Syllabus: AP Computer Science A
Mr. Cummins 2014-15


Each student is responsible for storing code, reports, etc. on their student drive in class. It is not my responsibility if a student cannot access necessary files due to someone in the group being absent or if files are needed to complete assignments outside of class. I suggest utilizing online file storage as well as saving backup copies on removable media (USB drive, etc.) in case of internet access being unavailable.


Homework is usually emailed to me; no printouts are required of students. Homework assignments are from the text, handouts in class, and from previous AP Exam questions. Students must do their own work. A rule of thumb is that they are free to offer verbal suggestions but should not share code.

Lab Component

At least 75% of classwork will involve students programming computers (as opposed to research papers, presentations, etc).  Lab work is extremely important for two reasons. First, it allows me to see students’ coding in action – to check for understanding while in progress, rather than just seeing a finished product. This instant feedback enables a student to make corrections “on the spot” much as a piano teacher helps guide new players in their formative years. Second, students can ask specific questions about concepts with which they are having trouble, and I can give personalized assistance. This is especially helpful during the first month of class, when students are new to programming, as well as during the weeks leading up to their first long-term project. In all cases, students are introduced to the AP Java subset.


Throughout the semester there will be large-scale projects that students implement and develop according to strict sets of guidelines. These projects are similar to the requirements a client might provide to our budding computer scientists and will provide significant experiences for their development. Students must make design decisions (which files to create, which files must or should interact with other files, and so forth). As students continue to learn, they will learn to create well-designed and organized projects completed in a fraction of the time it took at the beginning of the year. A more significant project will be given at the end of the year, which students will work on as a review for the AP Exam, with project presentations done after the exam. This will help keep students (especially seniors) on task after the AP Exam. Each student will have one full period to present their project.


Open-book tests are given after each major topic is covered. Students are given a problem statement, similar to the homework assignments, and are asked to write a working program. They have the entire period to design, code, and debug their program. At the end of the period, I collect and grade each student’s program. An inherent and intentional part of this assessment is the student’s problem solving capability: what they can creatively develop in a scheduled time frame. Students are to fully document any borrowed code (excluding from the textbook) consistent with the principles of full disclosure and honesty. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action for academic dishonesty.


Students who miss a test due to excused absence will have a make-up test covering the same topics. As tests are individual case studies, it is possible that the make-up exam will be of a different difficulty level than the original. Tests missed due to unexcused absence may be penalized or not accepted for credit.

Extra Help / Credit

If you are having difficulty with anything in this course, please see me as soon as you feel that you have a problem. I want you to succeed and will try my best to help you. I am generally available before and after school to offer help. Performance challenges will be given in most units to provide an opportunity for additional credit. If a student elects not to participate in these challenges, they have elected to receive the grade they earn by their work.


Laws and rules are designed to protect the rights of others while ensuring maximum possible freedom. These rules are here to create a superior learning environment for every student. Instead of listing prohibited behaviors, I am giving a list of principles and expect you to govern yourself appropriately.

• Everyone should be listening to the speaker (whether student or teacher) without talking. If you have a question or comment that you would like to share, raise your hand and wait to be called on. Show respect both to your teacher and fellow classmates, including avoiding profanity.

• Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all times. Please bring all materials to class daily. Cheating (defined as using any form of others’ work without proper attribution) robs you of learning and will not be tolerated in any form.

• Technology should be used appropriately, as stated in the district Acceptable Use Policy. Using computers or personal devices for non-educational purposes is off limits. To protect the computers and other equipment in my room, no food, drink (except water), or gum will be allowed during class except for special occasions determined by Mr.Cummins and/or the administration.

Discipline Policy

Warning, loss of classroom privileges, detention, calling parents, or referring to office will be used as discipline measures.  The nature of the discipline will depend on the nature of the problem.


Please take the time to read this guide.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child's performance, feel free to contact me at 


Syllabus is adjustable


Week of 08/12

*Course Introduction

*What is Computer Science

*Setting up Laptops and IDE choices



Week of 08/17

*Fundamentals of computers

*Hardware, software, compilers, languages

*Computer breakdown and reassemble

Start GreenFoot


 Week of 08/24

* GreenFoot Lessons

* Quiz on unit one - computer systems


Week of 08/31

* Discuss and identify problems with initial labs from chapter 2

* Finish working on lab packet

* Static Methods

* String and Math classes


Week of 09/07


* Quiz

* Start Program Statements

* Control flow and basic decision structures

* Compound Boolean statements



Week of 09/14

* If Statement practice

* If Else practice

* Comparing Strings and floating point values

* Operators - Logical and Assignment operators

* The While statement - infinite and nested loops


Week of 09/21

* Iterators

* The for statement

* Nested for loops


Week of 09/28

* Reading text files

* comparing loops and their functions

* Review and finish labs


Week of 10/05

*Chapter 4 - Making Classes and Methods

* Anatomy of a class

* Instant data versus Local data

* Start on Unit 4 lab exercises

* Home Wk for Monday


Week of 10/12

* Review Homework

* Constructors

* Method Overloading

* Work on 2nd lab activity


Week of 10/19

* Object relationships "Is - a" or "Has - a"

* Inheritance

* Work on final 2 labs

* AP Case Study - Magpie Chatbot Lab


Week of 10/26

* Finish all parts of the Chatbot lab


Week of 11/06

* Start Chapter 5 - enhancing classes

* Static modifiers

* Reference and parameter passing


Week of 11/11

* Parameter passing

* Interfaces and use of interfaces

* Types of interfaces 

* Dialogue Boxes


Week of 11/18

* JFrames and JPanels

* Swing UI Elements

* Event Handling


Week of 11/25

* Finish work with Frames


Week of 12/02

* Start Arrays

* Worksheets 1,2,3

* Counting/ Deleting Array Values

* Arrays as Instant Variables

* The Arrays Class

* Labs


Week of 12/07

* Class Arrays

* Sorting, sorting algorithms

* String Arrays

* Split

* Review for test


Week of 12/14

Exam Week


Week of 1/4

No School Tue - Thur - Snow Day

Review Exam

Continue work on Arrays


Week 1/11


Finish Big Race Lab

Start Sorting/Searching String Arrays

Searching/ Sorting Algorithms


Week 1/18

MLK day

Sorting String using sort() and split() methods

Labs - Word Sorter, Lucky Numbers and Fancy Numbers

Sorting Worksheets 1 and 2



Week 1/25

Finish Sorting Algorithms


I/O reading in files and writing out to files

Labs on I/O


Week 2/01

Array Lists

Matrices - 2d Arrays

Searching and printing 2d Arrays

Wks 1/1


Week 2/09/2015

Matrices Lab

AP Computer Science Lab


Week 2/15

Continue AP Lab

Wks 3

UML Discussion


Week 2/22

Finish 4,5,6 parts of AP Lab

Test on Array Lists

Readdress Interfaces


Week 3/1

OGT Week

Collect AP Picture Labs

Start Inheritance Unit

Start Pong Lab


Week 03/08

Continue Inheritance

Continue with Pong Lab

Discuss Polymorphism

Review AP multiple choice questions




Week 03/18

Test on Inheritance and Polymorphism

Review Test

Start Abstract Classes

Start AP Card Lab


Week  03/25

 Continue working on the AP Eleven's Lab

Start Review


Week 04/03

Continue workng on the AP Eleven's Lab

Practice Exam #4 m/c


Week 04/12

Work on Recursion

Practice recursion on

Review Questions

Quiz on Recursion


Week 04/19

Complete Chapter 4 and 5 Review

Complete MC with solutions for homework


Week 04/26

Complete Chapter 6 and 7

Practice FR questions with AP Grading Scale


Week 05/03

Practice MC and FR with AP Scale

FInal Review Questions




























Course Summary:

Date Details Due