Course Syllabus

ImageView From Room 202

Mrs. Sexton's 4th Grade Class  •  Montrose Elementary School 

Our Motto:

Be kinder than necessary!

Mrs. Sexton's email address:


Morning Routine:

A typical morning: Students arrive, hang up their belongings, move their magnet to indicate what they are doing for lunch, fill out their assignment notebook, then read or quietly work on something at their seat to begin the day. All students should be seated by the tardy bell at 8:35, at which time I will take attendance. Next, we watch the Montrose News Show together, and then we go over the schedule and objectives for the day. At 8:50 our academic classes begin. 

Math: 8:50-10

Snack Break: 9:55-10:05

Reading: 10:05-11:10

Brain Break: 11:10-11:15

Social Studies: 11:15-11:45

Lunch and Recess: 11:45-12:45

Specials, Writing, Word Study, Continuation of Social Studies: 12:45-3:15




Course Summary:

Date Details Due