Course Syllabus

 Quizlet Practice


Spanish 7 Syllabus

                                              Pam Connell

Spanish 7 is the first half of Spanish I.  In this class, we continue to emphasize communication skills, pronounce words and sentences by imitating the teacher or technologically delivered material.  We learn to ask and answer questions to obtain information, make simple sentences of description, read and write basic sentences and paragraphs as well as listen and respond to sentences and brief passages.


If you receive a grade lower than a 70% on a summative assessment, you should meet with the instructor for review and clarification of the information.  At that time a date will be set for retakes.  You can only earn up to the 70%.


The sequence and scope of material follows:


            1st 9 weeks 


 Leccion Preliminar     This is more of an overview that touches on the following topics.


Difference between tú and usted                   Days of the week

Alphabet                                                         Weather

Location of Spanish speaking countries         Beginning vocabulary

Alphabet                                                         Low numbers


Chapter 1     Lesson 1                                                

Names of activities

Ser the verb (to be)     used to tell where a person is from

Gustar (to like)            used to say what you like

Vocabulary for pastimes, activities

                        Lesson 2

Definite and Indefinite Articles,  (“the” vs “a”)

Noun - Adjective agreement   Masculine and feminine, Plural and singular

Vocabulary  adjectives to describe people

Nouns for describing people ( man, woman, child, girl, boy, etc.)

Phrases to describe hair color

                        2nd 9 weeks

Chapter 2     Lesson 1

Telling time

Verb tener ( to have)

Numbers to 100

Frequency words ( often, always, once in a while, sometimes, etc)

AR verbs  (conjugations)       

Vocabulary     Activities mostly AR verb

 Frequency words

 Time expressions


                        Lesson 2

Estar conjugation, when to use it)      Location and Feelings

Ir        the verb “to go” + “a”

Vocabulary for the classroom  objects

 Location words


 Feeling words

 A few question word

                        3rd 9 weeks

Chapter 3          Lesson 1                                                       

Gustar with nouns                                          

ER, IR   verb conjugations                                        

Question words

Vocabulary   for some food

Question words

 Some tener expressions

                        Lesson 2

Possessive adjectives

How to write the date  (months)

How to make comparisons (taller, funnier, more studious, etc.)

Vocabulary for numbers in the 100’s

 Family members

 Telling ages

 Comparison words

                        4th 9 weeks

Chapter 4        Lesson 1                                                         

Additional tener expressions

E – IE stem changing verbs                           

Direct Object Pronouns         

Vocabulary    Clothing and colors     


Various Stem changing verbs


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