Course Syllabus

Crystal Carley

Room 3203


Hello. My name is Crystal Carley, and I will be your 7th grade Language and Literature teacher this year. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as we embark upon what is sure to be an exciting new year. Over the course of the year you will experience a wide range of literature, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and assignments. I hold high expectations for every item you turn in, whether an essay or a routine homework assignment, and I challenge you to hold the same high expectations for yourself. Along with that, however, I am here to help you overcome any challenges you will encounter. I am open to proposals of alternative assignments throughout the year, so feel free to approach me with your ideas.

Below I have outlined some of my policies and procedures for the school year.

RULES: All of my class rules boil down to exhibiting respect for learning, me, and fellow students.

  •  Upon entering the classroom, be prepared for class (all materials present and you are seated).
  •  Turn in only your own work (see plagiarism below).
    •  When general class instruction is happening, raise your hand and wait to be called on before
  •  Remain in your assigned seat during class unless given permission to leave it.
  •  No food or drinks other than water or gum.
  • If you fail to follow these rules, discipline will be handled in the classroom as needed. This ranges from warnings to detentions (with parent contact) to conferences with Ms. Carley.
  • UNITS: There will be multiple major units over the course of the year, but within those units you will experience all components of language and literature class. Do not assume we will only do novels during the novel unit; we may read complementary short stories, informational biographical information, etc... The units will be:
  1. Novel – Author’s Intention/Characterization
  2. Short Stories
  3. Informational Writing/Texts
  4. Historical Fiction – Research/Novel study
  5. Argumentative Writing/Texts
  6. Poetry
  • HOMEWORK: Students should expect to have homework 3-4 nights a week. Homework is typically due the day after it is assigned unless I give different instructions. I do my best to explain homework thoroughly in class, however, I do expect you to ask questions or get clarification (before/during/after class) if you do not understand assignments.
    • If work is turned in after the deadline, it will be considered "late," and thus may incur a 10 percent loss of points. Late work will not be taken more than five days late. I would prefer all homework to be either typed (12 pt, Times New Roman font) or written neatly in pen (blue or black). Homework can also be emailed to me at
    • Homework will be posted on my Canvas site by 3:30 p.m. This site can be accessed via the school Web site under “Parent/Student” and then “Course Sites.”
  • READING: You will read short stories from the literature book, articles, essays, and other non-fiction and short stories I will provide. In addition to the textbooks and self-selected books, you will read both books you select within a specified genre (independent reading), as well as whole-class assigned novels.
  • WRITING: You will compose many different types of writing throughout the school year, ranging from literary analysis, to fiction, to research papers, to argumentative pieces. Unless otherwise noted, all formal writing assignments will need to be typed, as stated above, and printed out or e-mailed. You will be given the opportunity to revise major writing assignments after consultation with me in order to improve their writing and raise their grade.


RETAKE /REVISION – You will have the opportunity to retake or revise both quizzes and major writing assignments. Specifics will vary depending on the assignment and will be explained during class/posted on Canvas. You will at maximum be able to raise your grade to a 90% or earn back ½ of the points you missed, whichever is to your advantage.


PLAGIARISM: School and district rules regarding academic integrity apply in this classroom. This means cheating, copying, and plagiarism is prohibited. Plagiarism is turning in the work of another as if it were your own; this could be deliberate or unintentional. The penalties for deliberately plagiarizing the work of another include ineligibility for 20% of athletic competitions for a season, ineligibility to work on a stage performance, and an in-school or out-of-school suspension. See form Policy JFCM for the Academic Integrity Policy in full.             

GRADING: All assignments will be allotted a certain amounts of points, within the following guidelines.

  •  Homework – 1-3 points
  •  Classwork – 8-10 points
  •  Independent reading project - 25 points
  •  Essay/project/test – 50-75 points
  •  Quiz - 20- 35 points
  • MATERIALS: All students need pen/pencil, writing paper, and a notebook with dividers. We will have the following notebook sections: Grammar, Reading, Tests/Quizzes, Writing, Vocabulary
  • PARENTS: If your child has any difficulties during the school year, I will let you know by phone or e-mail. I also hope that you will advise me of any academic or social issues your child may have; I will make accommodations when needed or help in any way I can. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due