Course Syllabus
Students should be recording their nightly assignments in their homework pad. My initials on the pad are a signal to you that the homework has been copied correctly from the assignment board. If an assignment is finished, they are allowed to check off the box on their note pad to indicate that they have completed their work. Each night, please review with your student the work that they are asked to do. Once you have checked with them, place your initials on the pad. Your initials indicate to me that you have seen the assignment notebook. This is also a great way for you to stay in touch with current topics of study and projects that we are working on in the classroom. If homework becomes overwhelming or takes over an hour to complete, please write me a note. Homework is usually a practice of what has been taught in the classroom.
Each student’s trapper has been organized with labeled folders for each subject area as well as a special parent folder. You and your son/daughter should empty this parent folder each night together. The contents of this folder include graded papers and any important information that needs your attention. Papers kept in the other subject folders need to remain there. These activity sheets are either current notes or works in progress. We hope that this is a helpful tool for you and your child.
Because we care about each other and our Maryland Community we...
- share what we have
- listen carefully
- help each other learn
- use kind words
- work hard and have fun together
We understand...
- that everyone makes mistakes
- that we stand up for ourselves and others
- First offense: conference with Mrs. Cieply.
- Second offense: a phone call to the parent.
- Third offense: conference with Mr. Hood, parent and Mrs. Cieply.
Fifth grade is a year of many changes and challenges. There is an increase in independent responsibility and workload. The materials will become a bit more challenging as the year moves along.
As fifth grade teachers, we will do what we can to help ensure a successful experience for your child. Together, as a team we will create an exciting year. Thank you for your time and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to write a message in your child’s assignment notebook, send an e-mail, or contact us by phone at school. We would be happy to assist you in any way. We are looking forward to a wonderful fifth grade year.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |