Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus- Mr. Melville

 Design Rotation- 7th Grade


General Overview:  This is a 9-week course.  We will study video presentation (Adobe Visual Communicator 3), build and analyze a catapult, produce a daily news show, and design and engineer a cardboard product.


Course Expectations:  I expect all students to come to class prepared and willing to learn.  Be ready with pencil and paper each day.


Homework:  Homework will be minimal.  There will be one quiz for which to study.  Students who have multiple absences may need to come in during Activity Period or before school to complete projects.


Web Site:  The web site ( is an excellent way for parents to stay up to date with their child’s class experience.  Assignments, files, and grades will be posted there.  Typically, grades will be updated by Monday morning.


Grading Policy:  Grading will be on a point system. 


A:  93-100                   C:  73-76

A-:  90-92                    C-:  70-72       

B+:  87-89                   D+:  67-69

B:  83-86                     D:  63-66

B-:  80-82                    D-:  60-62

C+:  77-79                   F:  below 60


Communication:        Phone:  237-4277 x6567

                                    Best way→Email:





PRIDE:  Students are encouraged to achieve BMS PRIDE status each quarter.  The criteria are:


                        Responsible behavior (includes no detentions)

                        Involvement (in at least one extra curricular activity at school)

                        Decent, kind, and honest interactions

                        Examples of work ethic (over 2.0 GPA, no F’s)


Class Rules:  All “rules” stem naturally from the Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  For instance, do not talk while someone else is talking.  Observance of this rule should be sufficient for successful behavior.


Discipline:  Students will be disciplined with dignity, but with high expectations. 


Summary:  The main goals of Design class are to challenge each and every student and to help everyone enjoy and appreciate design and engineering.  I am here to help you reach your fullest potential.  I encourage all students to seek me out for help whenever necessary.  Activity Period and before school are the best times for me to give one-on-one help.



I consider it a privilege to be your Design teacher this year and I’m looking forward to an awesome 9 weeks in BMS Design!


-Mr. Chris Melville



Course Summary:

Date Details Due